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After Initially Blaming Palestinians, Israeli Army Admits Soldier was Killed by Friendly Fire

  • August 16, 2022
Israeli soldiers in the West Bank. (Photo: via QNN)

After initially blaming Palestinians, the Israeli occupation army declared that one of its soldiers has been killed by mistake near the occupied Palestinian city of Tulkarm, in the West Bank.

Initially, Israeli media, citing Israeli army sources, claimed that Palestinian fighters have engaged with an Israeli army unit near the Shuweika region, in the northern Tulkarm area. 

Shortly after, the Israeli army said that a group of Israeli soldiers have been wounded in a clash between two separate units, mistaking each other for Palestinian fighters. 

That claim itself was changed, as reported by Israeli Channel 13, also citing Israeli army sources. 

According to the channel, an Israeli soldier, who was standing guard near an Israeli military checkpoint, had left his post, and when he returned, another Israeli soldier opened fire, wounding him. 

The soldier was taken to the hospital before the army declared him dead.

(The Palestine Chronicle)

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