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Man shot dead in apparent criminal dispute in northern Arab town

  • March 18, 2023

A 26-year-old man was shot dead Saturday in the northern Arab town of Rameh, police and medics said.

The victim, a resident of Rameh, was named as Younis Kamal Mansour.

According to police, the shooting was linked to a dispute between criminals.

There were no immediate arrests.

Police said officers were collecting evidence at the scene and setting up roadblocks in the area to locate the suspects behind the shooting.

The Magen David Adom ambulance service said its medics treated the man at the scene, before declaring him dead.

“There was a big commotion in the area,” said a Magen David Adom medic who arrived at the scene. “The injured person who suffered a penetrative wound to his body was unconscious, without a pulse, and wasn’t breathing.”

Rameh is in the Galilee region of northern Israel, east of Acre.

According to the Abraham Initiatives watchdog, Mansour was the 35th Arab in Israel to be killed in a homicide since the start of the year.

Arab communities have seen a rising wave of violence in recent years. Many blame the police, who they say have failed to crack down on powerful criminal organizations and largely ignore the violence, which includes family feuds, mafia turf wars, and violence against women.

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