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Trump Jr’.s girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle contracts coronavirus

  • July 04, 2020

Kimberly Guilfoyle, the girlfriend of US President Donald Trump’s oldest son, has contracted the coronavirus.

Sergio Gor, chief of staff to the Trump campaign’s finance committee, said Guilfoyle was immediately isolated after the positive result to limit exposure.

He said she will be retested to confirm the diagnosis because she isn’t showing any symptoms of COVID-19, the disease the virus causes.

According to the New York Times, Guilfoyle, a former Fox New personality, has not recently been in close proximity to the US president.

Both Guilfoyle and Trump Jr., who serves as a top surrogate for the president, are isolating themselves and have canceled public events, according to Gor.

The couple was in South Dakota to hold fundraisers for Trump’s reelection as the president spoke to a largely maskless crowd at Mount Rushmore, even as coronavirus cases spike across the country.

Trump has presided over a several large-crowd events — in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and at an Arizona megachurch —despite health officials warning against large gatherings and recommending face masks and social distancing.

He plans a July Fourth celebration on the National Mall in Washington despite health concerns from DC’s mayor. Trump and Melania Trump plan to host events from the White House South Lawn and from the Ellipse.

Times of Israel staff contributed to this report.

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